Thursday, September 11, 2008

Mark on The Bronco Mendenhall Show / Brandon Morrow near No-No

So ya I'm been kinda lazy about my whole blog thing the past couple weeks since school just started and its been kicking me in the butt. So I promise to blog a bit more now that I have everything under control.

First off...I gotta throw a shout out to myself for getting mentioned yesterday on the Bronco Mendenhall show. For those of you who don't know, the head coach of BYU has his weekly radio show with the amazing Greg Wrubell (voice of the Cougs) every Wednesday. Anyways I normally email in a question each week and yesterday they actually read it on the air. Here's the link to the show...just click on the audio link on the right side (9/10) question comes around the 14:30 if you wanna hear it.

I asked about the possibility of using G Pittman or Brandon Bradley in nickle or dime packages when teams try to spread us out. Bronco said that is a possibility now with the depth at linebacker. I also asked about if there were plans on moving to a 4-3, which he said there weren't any plans.

Gotta give some love for Adam Olsen (fellow Cougar blogger) who also had a message answered. He actually asked a question that I was thinking about asking, whether Terrance Hooks would be back this year. Coach said 5-8 weeks I believe. Wouldn't it be great to get both Vic and Terrance back for the TCU game? Thats going to be a tough one. Don't underestimate TCU. Especially on the road. Bronco mentioned that Vic might actually redshirt this year, which would be great since all of our good linebackers are going to be seniors next year, so we need to spread them out a bit.

Also gotta give a shout out to Mariner's pitcher Brandon Morrow for almost no-hitting the Yankees last friday night. I was on the edge of my seat after the fifth inning. It was a great weekend with the M's winning a series from the Yanks and basically putting them out of the playoffs, and beating the Huskies in dramatic fashion.


Adam said...

OlsEn, Mark. With an E. Don't let it happen again.

Mark Petersen said...

How could I've made that mistake when I myself come from Danish blood, not Swedish...thus making it a "e" not an "o"...its fixed...won't happen again.