Wednesday, July 16, 2008

1 Day and counting for The Dark Knight! Hancock surprising

So I finally was able to get a ticket for the midnight showing for the new Batman movie 'The Dark Knight' which comes out early Friday morning. A big group of my friends are going so it should be way fun. We're going to have people take turns waiting in line for about 5 hours before the show just so we can get some decent seats. Batman has always been a personal favorite of mine so thats why I'm so exited for this one. More than any other superhero. Plus I'm a huge Christian Bale fan which is an added bonus. Its been getting great reviews which is normally a good sign. I'm also impressed with what I've seen in the previews from Heath Ledger as The Joker. Looks like some great acting.

In other news I saw Hancock last night and it was different from what I was expecting. Still good just different. By the way, I think I fell in love with Charlize Theron during the movie.


Craigerson said...

The Dark Knight was the best movie I have ever seen in a Movie Theater. Heath Ledger was epic. I guess the only thing I didn't like about the movie was how deep Batman's voice was, but other than that, it was an awesome movie. I would watch a movie just of the joker if there was ever one made.

Mark Petersen said...

Ya I thought they over-did the whole super deep voice for Christian Bale but it still was a sweet movie. It should win a ton of oscars.

Libertad y Justicia said...

Batman is the Best movie of they Year and the new Terminator movie looks sweet too! Christian Bale for President!