Thursday, July 3, 2008

Sadness in Seattle

Well the decision to allow Clay Bennett to pay off $45 million dollars for moving the Sonics to Oklahoma City was made yesterday by judge Peachman. Honestly I'm speechless. It is very dissapointing after all the history that the Sonics have brought to Seattle. An NBA championship in 1979, the glory years of Kemp and Payton, and the NBA finals against Michael Jordan. Unfortunately in these types of situations, the ultimate losers are the fans ( city gets paid 45 million dollars, the owners will make money in OKC, the NBA will still make money (even though it would make more money in Seattle because Seattle is the 13th largest media market in the nation and OKC is somewhere in the 50s), and the players will still get paid millions. I feel ripped off. But such is life. Luckily this is not the end. There is still an outside chance of getting the team back, as described in this article. Or even getting another team to move here or recieve an expansion team. Here are a couple good articles written about the situation:


Libertad y Justicia said...

Yeah I am pretty mad at the city of Seattle giving up at the last minute. I think the city of seattle is to blame because the taxes in the seattle area are so high. I dont think I have heard that argument from the mainstream media but I am sure Clay bennett did not want to spend a quater of his income on taxes in Seattle. I am sure seattle and washington state have some of the highest taxes in the nation....why did boeing leave? In the end we see the city was only interested in money. Bad move. Elect Dino Rossi.

Mark Petersen said...

Good point..I hadn't really thought of the tax being an issue.