Saturday, July 5, 2008

Glenn Beck on the 4th of July!!

Yesterday was amazing as I got to go see Glenn Beck at University Mall in Orem. He was there to sign his book so I waited in line for an hour (with some help from John) to shake his hand and said "Nice to meet ya Glenn, I'm a big fan of the show." Then he said, "Thanks its nice to meet you too, have a great day." Ya I know thats kinda lame and I should have said something more original but there was a ton of people there and they only let us say something brief and move on. John was right behind me in line and he got this sweet picture of him staring right at me. As you can see, it looks like I'm scared stiff, frozen in my tracks. But I swear I was normal when I went and talked to him.

He really is a great guy and it surprised me how nice and outgoing he was to everyone. Most celebrities are too cool to even smile when they shake your hand. But I saw him make several funny comments throughout the day and was very charismatic, just like on TV.

The rest of the 4th of July weekend was awesome! Thursday night I went on a way fun date to the Orem Owlz baseball game with fireworks after the game. I even went up and talked to this Dominican pitcher who was sitting in the bullpen so that was a bonus. Then on the 4th we went down to center street and hung out with all the fun things to do down there. Then had a BBQ here at my apartment complex, and to finish the night off right, watched the fireworks from Stadium of Fire from Rock Canyon Park. I bought chips and salsa so I was in heaven munchin on those all night long as I sat and enjoyed the fireworks with some friends.

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